Friday, November 23, 2007


I stared at a blank Microsoft Word page for a half hour, through tears, trying to put something on this page. I failed.

Take good care of your boy. He was a favorite at our home.

Tom, Dawn and Nicole


Anonymous said...

You may have "failed" in trying to find the words to write, but have certainly succeeded in nurturing a sweet litter of puppies. Thank you so much for allowing us to bring this little guy into our home. We are so happy he's finally here, and it will be hard to not spoil him. Such an intelligent little guy! Little Mr. Sherman is certainly a spotted busy box-- what a character! He did well on his trip home yesterday, and got to meet and play with our son's 10 week old lab-mix puppy.

The first night wasn't too bad. Sherman started crying about 1:30, so I took him outside, praying that no one would drive by while we were outside to see me in my fashion statement of nightgown, jacket and sweatpants! I put him back to bed and he carried on something awful for probably half an hour, which makes my husband's snoring MUCH quieter by comparison!

I woke up at 7 this morning and all was quiet, so naturally I was worried that Sherman was okay. Of course, he was fine. Tonight will be better.

The cats have been observing from afar, periodically casting disdainful looks at us, but eventually they'll come around to having a canine brother.

Sherman is currently wiped out on my lap while I write this. Today's post-nap highlights: meeting a few more new people (houseguests) and learning to read.

Sherman would love to have you come visit if you're down this way. We would too!

Deb, Wayne & Sherman

Thomas said...

We are glad Sherman is making the adjustment to your home. I imagine the first night away from his littermates was as big a deal for him as it was for us. So far we are batting 1000 on the new homes for the pups. Thanks for taking such good care of him, and keeping us informed. It helps tremendously.

We do get to the Rochester area on occasion for dog shows and what not, and would LOVE to see him.

We always felt he had personality to spare that one!!

SueMac said...

As Tom observed, they (the pups) are all special, but some are more special than others! The same is true of homes, and it is especially gratifying to match special pups with special homes!
