Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The first day of school for me was always an event. A bunch of brand new number two pencils, a half dozen new notebooks, an eraser, a few folders, several book covers, and the resolve to “Do better” this year. Within a month, the pencils were chewed like corn on the cob, the eraser got thrown at some kid in the front row, the notebooks we turned into assorted airplanes, and the book covers had enough profanity on them to get me detention for a month. By the time I got out of middle school, I was an expert at washing blackboards. There was always next year.

The pups did considerably better than I did at school tonight. Sam, Rita and Grace got the attention, like the girl in second period algebra. Everyone was fawning over them most of the evening. I took each puppy into the ring with a show lead on and just walked around. All three pee’d. I tried to get away with a lot in school, but peeing in the classroom was too radical, even for me.

Rita did NOT like the show lead one bit. She fought it most of the time, and was a little frightened until Jill fed her a few kibble. Sam was the best. He managed a few decent steps and actually LOOKED like show dog for about a nano-second. Grace was middle of the road. She was ok with it all for a few seconds, but then just wanted her dad. Smart kid. I can see more socialization is in order. Pups can go through a fear stage at eight weeks, and perhaps that’s what we had here.

Well, enough for tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of the work week for me and then four days off. All this school talk reminds me of the time me and few friends swiped the Abe Lincoln bust from the library and hung it from the maple tree outside school. My criminal career was off to a solid start.



SueMac said...

Sounds pretty normal for pups that age. Combining the car ride, all the noise and visual activity, and being on a leash for the first time in that kind of situation is a bit overwhelming. I usually just let them sit on my lap and watch for the first night.

Your assignment for the week is to take the pups out in the yard one at a time, with a lightweight leash and a pocket full of cookies, and teach one thing at a time.

I should have suggested that last week. I take my 6-7 week old pups around the block, one at a time, to work on "following". Sometimes I we don't use a leash at all, just a pocket full of cookies, and the "puppy puppy" command. We do it automatically with each litter (unless it's 20 below).

That's also the reason for the puppy collars - gets them used to wearing something around their necks.

Guess I just got an F on this bit of mentoring.

Thomas said...

With all the great advice,patience and dim witted questions that this first time breeder has asked, I doubt an F is in order.