Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pot Licker

After two days and just as many missed service appointments, we are back online. My next assignment according to Dawn is to sit down and write Comcast a scathing letter about their service and customer support. They are going to get it both barrels.

Thanksgiving! For someone who claims she cannot cook, Dawn put on a heck of a feast. I sat around most of the afternoon with my gut hanging out, moaning about fact that I over indulged. Then, I took a nap. Nothing as attractive as a middle aged man with a wife beater on, doing a carbon copy of Al Bundy. A paragon of pulchritude. Contain yourself ladies.

The nap was going well until I was awoken by a scream that would curl your hair. I bolted upstairs like my hair was on fire to find Dawn and Queela, pulling Sherman’s head out of the handle of a pot. It seems Dawn let the tank lick a bowl, and Sherman being Sherman, went nuts and got his muzzle caught in the handle. Naturally, he panicked, and started screaming. He was never in any danger, he just freaked himself out. My heart rate returned to normal about two hours later.

Three more pups are going to their new homes tomorrow. Sherman is going to his new home in Rochester MN, and Sue is taking Grace and Clark. We are going to miss Sherman around here. He has that intangible quality that is impossible to put into words. Grace and Clark are going to Sue, so we will see these two a lot.

I predict another difficult morning,,,,,,,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the expressions on their faces. Ricky was an expert pie dough thief, and I was not surprised to learn that this is a genetically-linked trait in Dals. Miss A managed to steal a ball of pie dough when I had my back turned for less than a second and eat it on the run as I was chasing her. Michael thought this was hysterical. No pie for him!
